The Benefits of ThetaHealing in Pregnancy

When you get pregnant, there’s often a range of physical, emotional and mental shifts that occur. Along with the many joys that come with pregnancy; there are also many emotional feelings like fear, anxiety and worry. Some of the common fears are – fear of pain, fear for baby’s safety, and fear of not being a good enough parent. And those fears can be very overwhelming. Our mind can go on and on… creating all kinds of different scenarios. This is where ThetaHealing® can be really beneficial.

What is ThetaHealing?

ThetaHealing is a healing modality that addresses the underlying cause, the underlying root of many emotional patterns – emotional responses in our life that do not serve us.

To understand ThetaHealing, imagine an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg is like our conscious mind. This is where thinking happens, where we make decisions. And under the level of the water is the huge mass. This is our subconscious mind – where our beliefs, our thought patterns come from, and the deep emotions of fear that we do not understand in the conscious mind, are stored.

In ThetaHealing, we’re able to access that subconscious mind. Through guided meditation, we access the theta brain wave. When we get deep into that level, this is where we can shift things and release stored fears that will express itself in our lives. We’ll change the patterns in our life to feel more encouraged, happier, fulfilled, and ready to make decisions.

What happens if we do not address these deeply engrained issues?

  1. We often make decisions that are guided by fear and worry. We create blocks.
  2. Those emotions, patterns can express itself physically such as:
  • High blood pressure
  • Placenta previa (placenta covering the cervix)
  • The baby can turn into a breech position
  • Continued stress for both mother and baby

It’s in the pregnant woman’s and her baby’s highest interest to release any of those patterns and deep engrained emotions.

What happens during a ThetaHealing Session?

In a typical ThetaHealing session, you are guided through a meditation that will allow both you and the practitioner to drop into theta brainwave. This is when we access this massive subconscious mind – where the issues and the underlying root cause is stored. You may not even know you have it. From there, we release it, and we replace the new space that was created with positive emotions like trust and courage. Anyone can do it. It’s very simple, practical and easy. It will benefit you and the baby.

Where does the ThetaHealing technique come from?

ThetaHealing was founded by Vianna Stibal. After witnessing her own healing over 20 years ago, she developed this technique. Through the research, she understood that through the guided meditation, she was dropping into the theta brainwave – as well as the person that was in front of her. This is where the shift started happening to her on both the mental, emotional and physical level.

Examples of how ThetaHealing can benefit you in Pregnancy

A mom in labor was planning to have a homebirth when her blood pressure went up. She was sent for additional testing to the hospital. After a session, her blood pressure started going down. She was discharged from the hospital and cleared to have a homebirth as planned.

Another client would not go into labor after her estimated delivery date, and her provider started planning an induction. The following day, after a ThetaHealing session, she went into labor.

If you’re curious about ThetaHealing, contact Babu Village to schedule a consultation.

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Our Expert: Kasia Sanvee is a Babu birth and postpartum doula, childbirth educator, yoga instructor, ThetaHealer® and lactation counselor

Babu is a diverse community of curated service providers, supporting new and expecting parents with everything they need, from conception to the first play date. Want to learn more? Contact Babu at:

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