5 Steps to Build Your Support System and Village in Pregnancy

Birth is so much more than just the physical event. It’s a whole life transformation that is different for every person, and in every pregnancy. So how can we do things differently? When we become pregnant, we automatically think the first steps are: finding a doctor, organizing a shower and decorating a nursery. We feel that the most important steps are creating your support system and building your village. Be deliberate about your choices and research your options.

For a more empowered experience, follow these 5 steps to help you to have a more positive pregnancy and birth.

Step 1: Contact a Doula

Have a conversation with a doula on how they can inform your choices, normalize the experience and improve outcomes. Doulas are one of the most informed birth keepers in your area. They work with doctors, midwives, hospitals, birthing centers and know home settings. They are one of the most valuable sources of information.

Step 2: Choose Your Birth Location

What are the options – hospital, birthing center, home birth? Be curious and go beyond what you already know. Consider the pros and cons of each of the settings.

Step 3: Choose your Care Provider

Consider carefully the care providers that are available for you at the chosen birth location. Is it an OB or a midwife? Check their reviews, talk with local parents and meet with a few. Choose someone who respects your choices.

Step 4: Childbirth Education

Without education, we are not fully aware of what our choices are. Become an expert on what’s right for you, and the tools you need to go into this process fully informed and empowered.

Step 5: Plan for Postpartum

Here’s where your village should fully grow and expand. In other cultures, new parents are supported by extended family. We are often isolated and expected to bounce back within days. Have you thought about who will be there to support you in those early days after giving birth? Who will cook nourishing meals for you? Who will be there to listen with no judgment? Who will be there to hold the baby while you’re taking care of yourself, and care for the whole household while you’re resting and recovering? It can be a member of your family, a friend or a postpartum doula. Find a nurturing and knowledgeable person who will support you in discovering the parent you’re becoming.

There is no one right way to be pregnant, to give birth or to be a parent. There are as many ways to walk this path as there are parents in this world. Choose yours and find people you trust who will walk with you.

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Our Expert: Kasia Sanvee is a Babu Doula, childbirth educator, lactation counselor, yoga instructor and ThetaHealer®.

Babu is a diverse community of curated service providers, supporting new and expecting parents with everything they need, from conception to the first play date. Want to learn more? Contact Babu at www.babuvillage.com for a FREE 15 min discovery session.

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