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Boosting Baby’s Brain Power During Pregnancy

It's never too early to give your child an edge. Boost your baby's brain power during pregnancy. Does reading...

Pregnancy Fitness

Many pregnant women may be missing out on a simple self-help activity that can improve their health.

Your Pregnancy – Week by Week

Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks, counting from the first day of your last normal period. The weeks are grouped...

Pregnancy Nesting: Satisfy the Urge – Safely

It happens to every expectant mother in the third trimester of pregnancy: The powerful urge to nest. Suddenly you're...

Exercise During Pregnancy: Your Wellness Depends on It

Exercising during your pregnancy is one of the best things you can do for your wellness ... and your...

Partner Stretches

Keep your body in great shape while you're pregnant by stretching with a partner.

Pregnancy and Exercise: Helps Baby’s Brain

Moderate exercise during pregnancy enhances newborn baby's brain development.

Warm-up Exercise for Pregnancy

Roberta Bergman's warm-up exercises for pain-free pregnancy

Pain-Free Pregnancy – Posture

Roberta Bergman's fitness training for pregnancy helps with posture and back pain.