ADHD: Treating With Eating?

Although treating ADHD with dietary changes is controversial, some experts are offering tips that may be helpful for managing the problem. Be sure to discuss all diet or supplement ideas first with your child’s doctor.

ADHD experts discuss these possibilities:

  • Fatty acid supplements. One study found that kids who took omega-3 and omega-6 supplements for three months had reduced ADHD symptoms. As a result, taking these supplements for several months or even longer – may be beneficial, according to the experts.
  • Iron and zinc supplements. These may be useful in kids who are low on these minerals. The supplements may increase the effectiveness of the stimulant drugs that are often used for treating ADHD.
  • And a healthier diet overall. One study found that kids who ate a diet high in saturated fat, refined sugar, and sodium had a higher risk of an ADHD diagnosis. Feeding kids less processed meat, fast food, and sodas and more fish, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy could help treat ADHD.

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