Back to School Basics

Depending on where you live, your kids may be just days away from meeting their new teachers or already adjusting to a new school routine.

The American Academy of Pediatrics offers advice on how to keep yours kids happy, healthy and motivated as a new school year begins.

Start by getting the kids into a positive mindset. Point out the plus side of going back to school, like reconnecting with friends they haven’t seen all summer. Make sure those backpacks are sturdy with padded shoulder straps and a padded back. When you get it ready for the first day, don’t stuff it. Keep the load to a minimum.

If your child will be riding the bus, explain the rules and talk about wearing a seatbelt, if one is available. If the mode of transportation is a bike, make sure your child has a helmet that meets all of the latest safety standards. And make sure any walkers know to use the cross walks where crossing guards are stationed.

Finally, when the homework starts to pile up, set aside a specific spot to work and make sure there’s good light. Turn off the TV, and get the year started on the right academic note!

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