Helping kids with homework

How to avoid a nightly battle

It can be the most dreaded task of the day for parents and kids alike: Homework. Sticking to a schedule and helping, but not doing it yourself, can lead to a truce in the battle.

First, don’t dive into division as soon as your child walks in the door. Let kids decompress by doing something fun and active after school. Early in the evening, hit the books. Try to stick to an established homework hour that’s free of distractions and electronics. Be available to answer questions, but don’t hover. Add some break time. Consider letting your child briefly play with the dog or have a snack after finishing math and before starting reading. Set limits.

Letting homework drag on late into the night only leads to more frustration. Close the books and write a note if your child couldn’t finish in a timely manner. If you think the homework load is too heavy, call the teacher. If your child consistently struggles, he or she may have an attention problem or learning disabilities. Getting your child evaluated and placed in the appropriate classroom can maximize their learning and ease homework stress.

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