Anti Aging – Embracing Our Age

We’re talking about anti-aging with Barbie Liss, the “Anti-Anti-Aging” Coach. She calls herself “Anti-Anti-Aging” because she’s against anti-aging messages that we’ve been receiving everywhere in our society. The idea of being against aging makes no sense at all. We’re doing everything that we can to live longer. We want to live a long life, but not age. However, we start aging the minute we’re born.

Anti-aging messages have been taught to us from society at early age. It’s an unobtainable goal and “Agism” is a self induced prejudice. Why is aging bad? What’s wrong with being old? There’s no answer except that we’ve been taught this and just bought into it. Vibrancy has nothing to do with age. As moms, we need to re-write and reframe this for our girls. Only then do we give them permission to age gracefully.

About our Expert:
Barbie Liss is the ANTI Anti-aging life coach who works with women to shed shame and shift perspectives around aging. As Mom to three amazing adult humans, her personal story is one of healing and self-reclamation following a toxic marriage and the secondary trauma experienced after her daughter’s assault. She embraces the knowing that endings offer beginnings, and offers her clients a loving space to become all that they are here to become – to claim their Voice, Value and Power with empowered resilience through all of life’s chapters. Find Barbie on Instagram @_barbieliss or at her website

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