Couples and Money

How to talk to your spouse about money matters

Money can’t buy you love, but it can come between you and your spouse if you don’t have open conversations about it. According to a poll of more than 1,300 Americans, couples who regularly talk about money—as often as once a week—are happier in their relationship than those who discuss finances less frequently.

On the other hand, money is a source of conflict for nearly a third of all couples, and even more so during stressful times. And any uncertainty about finances can add to that stress.
Additional research from North Carolina State University suggests that working as a team and becoming financially literate can help. But how can you get started if you tend to avoid the topic?

Set aside a time that’s right for you—when you’re not feeling rushed, tired or angry. Talk about finances in general, then about any big-ticket items coming up.  Partners will rarely see eye-to-eye, but don’t avoid a discussion because you’re afraid of a difference in opinion. It’s better to resolve the issue than hide it or lie about it and then have to deal with the consequences.

If you didn’t learn about money when growing up, you may have a harder time overcoming what you see as a taboo. But financial talk is good for your bottom line and your relationship.

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