DIY Funky Frames

It’’s DIY day with Sarah Roe, our Money Saving Queen and she’’s breathing new life into chicken wire! We’’re taking funky up a notch — we’’re getting funktified! Today she’s sharing her latest, favorite Do-It-Yourself project from my Funktified Pinterest board.

We’’re making these darling chicken wire frames. The supplies you will need are just chicken wire and frames and a staple gun. She’s picked up frames at the dollar store and then dressed them up with this fun bright paint. You can seen them online for $70! Total cost for making these fun little gems’ – $5.

Meet the Queen:
 Five years ago Sarah’s son had life threatening food allergies causing her family to spiral into a financial crisis. Today, she is an award-winning blogger, radio & television celebrity, speaker and author. Learn more:

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