Easy On The Eggs

Brown or white, free range or pasture fed, eggs can fit into your healthy eating plan. Eggs are highly nutritious because they deliver all eight essential amino acids your body needs to build and repair muscles and help keep your metabolism humming.

All these eggs have equal nutrition because the hens all have the same mostly-grain diet. Pasture raised eggs are superior because those hens have a more diverse diet, and that increases the eggs’ nutritional value.

Egg yolks in particular contain many nutrients, including vitamin A, B vitamins, and hard-to-get vitamin D. According to health studies, having 1 egg yolk a day doesn’t increase blood serum cholesterol in healthy adults, but talk to your doctor about limiting yolks if you have high cholesterol or diabetes.

Got 5 minutes? Here’’s how to make a fast scrambled egg breakfast.

For each serving:

  1. Whisk 1 egg and 1 or 2 extra whites for more protein and volume.
  2. Coat a small skillet with non-stick olive oil spray and heat on high heat for 10 seconds, then add the eggs.
  3. As they cook, move the edges toward the center of the pan so you don’’t have runny scrambles.
  4. Turn over once and they’re done.

Add a healthy topping like salsa, hot sauce, or freshly chopped herbs and you have an EGG-celent and fast hot morning meal.

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