Fitness Safety in the Sun

Gym rats…listen up. If the summer weather has enticed you to take your fitness routine outside, you need to make a few adjustments. Heat stroke may be just one strenuous workout away. Be sure to take it slow and easy, wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water. Here are some early symptoms of heat illness and 5 ways to prevent a meltdown.

  • Start by planning your outdoor exercise during the coolest time of the day…early morning. If that doesn’t work, wait until after 5pm.
  • Wear light colored clothes that wick away moisture…but wear as little as you can comfortably get away with. Protect any bare skin with sunscreen.
  • Once your workout is under way, take it slow and easy. Acclimating your body to the heat takes time.
  • And drink plenty of water…enough to replace what you lose. A good rule of thumb is to drink one pint of water for every pound you lose.

The early symptoms of heat illness include heavy sweating, fatigue, thirst and muscle cramps…so stay on the lookout for your own safety.

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