Food For Thought

There’s no “one size fits all” diet. You need to tailor your diet to your lifestyle. These healthy snack and meal ideas will help you stay within calorie limits whether you’re busy with business or cooking for your family.

When you’re busy with business, planning ahead can help you stay within calorie limits. If you’re trapped at your desk all day, keep single-serve packages of crackers, fruit, peanut butter, low-sodium soup or canned tuna in a drawer nearby.

If your car is your office or home-away-from-home pack portable foods like granola bars, fresh fruit, trail mix, or single-serve whole-grain cereal.

When you’re cooking for a family, think of that meal as a chance to be a healthy role model. And involve the kids by asking them to make the salad or pick the vegetable. Save time, by choosing ingredients that can be used in more than one meal make a little extra grilled chicken for chicken salad or fajitas the next day.

Remember, a vegetarian meal can be just as tasty and satisfying as one with meat. Try vegetable chili, pasta primavera or veggie pizza.

And lastly, if you find a recipe that works, start a file of favorites.

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