How to Pick Produce at the Farmer’s Market

Shop in season for the best taste

Fresh vegetables are nutrient-dense diet mainstays and can be inexpensive when bought in season. Hit your local farmer’s market for the freshest available.

Carrots and onions, two healthy and flavorful roots, should both be firm to the touch with no soft areas. Onions should have tightly closed papery skins with no mold or dusty dark spots. Onions can be stored in a basket in a cold dark place while carrots should be stored in a produce bag, refrigerated.

For spinach, look for firm leaves that don’t have creases or dark spots. Be sure to store spinach in a produce bag with a dry paper towel. Eggplant and zucchini should both be firm to the touch. Eggplant should have a glossy skin, and zucchini should have a deep green skin free of blemishes. Both should be stored in a produce bag to avoid premature softening.

Broccoli, one of the most nutritious vegetables around, should be emerald green with tightly closed florets and a stalk that isn’t dry at the base. Store in a closed produce bag. Remember that you’ll get the best taste and the best value if you plan your meals around vegetables as they come into season.

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