A Business Inspired by the Love Between a Father & Daughter

Meet Maria Mandaro, the founder and creator of Daddy’s Little Dress Shirts. This is her story. Her company was inspired by her daughter, Sophia and her husband – the love between a father and a daughter.

Maria’s husband is in the fashion industry. He had so many dress shirts, that Maria knew she had to do something. His closet was looking better than hers.

Maria was inspired to create a beautiful dress from her husband’s shirt. The one he wore on their first date. When she showed it to him, he started crying. It was so sweet and sentimental to see Sophia wearing something from the story they shared with each other. Now their love, Sophia was wearing it.

Thinking it was a good idea for other Moms, they started a business. Her husband named it Daddy’s Little Dress Shirts.

The shirts are handmade by Maria. Her family has been creating clothing since the 1930s. Her great grandfather had his own factory in the Dominican Republic, and it’s been passed on since then. Maria’s grandmother used to sew dresses for Maria and her sister. It’s sweet to remember those memories. Now, to hand sew dresses for Sophia and to create something to share with other people really made a difference for Maria. It was so inspiring.

Maria began with a post on Facebook and then on Little Hoboken. All the Moms are happy, and love the shirts. The orders are coming in.

The process is easy and fun. Pick out a shirt that your husband is no longer using. Whether it’s ripped or stained, it can be made into a beautiful little dress. All parts of the shirt are used. The pocket, the collar, even the logo and label. Or, get two shirts. One for your husband and one for Maria to make a matching “Daddy and Me” dress.

It’s growing so fast! Maria’s a happy mama!

To order for your daughter or as a beautiful baby shower gift, visit: www.daddyslittledressshirts.com

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