Intuitive Food Choices for Gut Health

Today we’re with Stephanie Lyon talking about making intuitive food choices for gut health. When it comes to making intuitive food choices for gut health, let’s just start with gut health. What is it and why is it important?

Gut health will show up in our overall health and energy. Gut health is having that balance in your microbiome – your large intestine and your small intestine  – the good bacteria and the bad bacteria. There has to be a really good balance instead of one overpowering the other. Our health shows up not only in our skin and in our energy, but we will feel it if we’re out of whack.

You might be bloated, you may feel just lethargic, or you may have headaches. Being dehydrated, not sleeping well, having an upset stomach or acid reflux, and skin breakouts – there are a lot of symptoms. So making sure that you’re eating a variety of different foods that support your gut health, to give you a more complete and thriving microbiome.

Stephanie answers our questions:

  • Can we really be more intuitive by seeing how our body responds to the individual meals and what we’re consuming?
  • What are some of the food choices that are associated with bad gut health?
  • What are some of the replacements for the white foods?
  • Is gut health is really tied to stress and anxiety and depression?

Some of foods that cause inflammation are also the ones we crave – fast foods, processed foods, dairy and refined sugars. Too much alcohol and caffeine also increases acidity and will cause inflammation. This can make us more prone to disease and a lot of these symptoms. So a lot of these little things, are things we want pay attention to because it could lead to something worse.

Replacing some of the foods we talk about with a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables will give a balance of vitamins that are healthy for your gut. Have them handy and ready to go so you’re not grabbing for the easy stuff.

Our Expert: Stephanie Lyon is a Regional Vice President and Independent Consultant for Arbonne International, a B Corp. that has its roots in clean botanical formulas for 40 years. She’s a mom of two who lives in the Boston area. She has a passion for all things botanical and believes in practicing health and beauty from the inside out. From skin care to baby products to highly effective clean eating programs Stephanie loves helping women and families make healthy choices simple. Find out more about Stephanie’s programs and products: Join her facebook group: Mind Body Skin Events

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