Ways You Can Make Recycling Fun for the Whole Family

Recycling isn’t the most exciting concept, especially for young kids. But you should teach your kids about the importance of recycling while they are young. It helps them develop and carry these values with them as they grow. But how do you encourage them in the first place? It starts with you. Let them see that recycling is part of your daily routine. Then, get the kids involved and make recycling fun for the whole family.
Turn Recycling Into a Game
There are various methods you can try to make recycling more fun. For example, you can try stirring up some friendly competition between your family members or even involve your neighbors. Start a small competition to see who can recycle the most throughout the week. It’s also a great way to teach kids how to organize your recycling—keep a tally of the plastics, papers, glass, etc., that each person recycled, or just track the overall totals.
Reuse for Crafts
For young kids who love to craft, save some of your recyclables for future crafting and DIY projects. Get creative. For example, turn plastic soda bottles into kid-sized flower planters or bird feeders. Save used printer paper for extra coloring and doodle paper. You could also fashion glass or tin bottles and cans into a homemade wind chime. Plus, mason jars and other glass bottles make great storage containers for craft supplies and other household items.
Reward Yourselves
Make sure to pat your family on the back for their recycling efforts by treating them to a reward. You might offer an allowance for the kids or even plan a family outing after reaching a specific goal. Try taking a trip to a forest preserve for a fun and educational afternoon. After all, the biggest reason for recycling is to protect the environment and live sustainably, so playing in nature allows you to teach your kids another valuable recycling lesson.
The only way recycling can be effective is if we all participate, which is why it’s great to get the whole family involved. It might seem hard to do at first, but there are easy ways you can make recycling fun for everyone. Try this out and see how it works for your family.