No Coupons?

If you come to the store “without” your coupons, you might think saving money is “not” an option. You know what… even with “no” coupons, it’s “no” problem.

Start with the store circular… shopping for the sale items alone can easily save you 50 percent right off the bat. Also, check for store coupons right on the circular- these have a shorter shelf life than manufacturer coupons, but the savings can be bigger.

Pricematching is a great way to score the lowest prices. What is means is that the store will honor competitors’ prices- so see if your local store does this. If the answer is yes… then put your smartphone to work. Our website has store circulars online and the savings are in the palm of your hand. Also online… mobile coupons. Target offers great mobile coupons and when it comes time to checkout, you just scan your phone. Here’s one more money saving tip… always check the meat section. When it’s priced for clearance, snap it up and freeze. No coupons, no problem!

Meet the Queen: Five years ago Sarah’s son had life threatening food allergies causing her family to spiral into a financial crisis. Today, she is an award-winning blogger, radio & television celebrity, speaker and author. Learn more:

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