Self-Care Pointers for Moms: Tips for Getting Better Sleep

As loving moms, it’s common to put our children’s needs ahead of our own. Even so, you can’t be your best for your family if you’re consistently worn-out and tired. Getting quality sleep is a key component of being present when you’re needed. It also helps you feel good about yourself. In fact, a lack of sleep can cause mental fog and health issues, such as skin problems that take a toll on your self-esteem. With these tips for getting better sleep, you’ll wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day’s challenges.
Stay Consistent With Your Sleep Schedule
Our brains use what’s known as a circadian rhythm to judge when it’s time for our bodies to fall asleep. In other words, your body—and your brain, in particular—responds to patterns. Just like our kids, a regular bedtime is benefical for us too. Adhering to the same sleep schedule every night might be difficult at first, but once your body synchronizes to your new routine, you’ll sleep better over time. It can be difficult to stay on track, especially if it’s your only kid-free time, but don’t sweat it.
Control Your Light Exposure at Certain Times
Your body responds to light similarly to how it responds to routines. Most people have schedules that keep them active during daylight, so at night time, if we’re exposed to bright light, our bodies still think it’s daytime. Ultimately, this makes it difficult for our brains to wind down for sleep. One major culprit is our mobile phones. They can interfere with a person’s circadian rhythm and melatonin secretion. Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that is key to sleep
The bright, blue lights from our phones are similar in color to the sun’s morning rays. They’re especially effective at convincing our brains that it’s morning. Therefore, if you place your phone near the bed, avoid looking at it until the next day.
Remove Distractions and Stressors
Ready for bed? Reduce the stressors and distractions around you—and in your mind—so you can fall asleep. This is vital for getting better sleep and will make a noticeable difference. For women, stress, anxiety, and poor bedtime habits are some of the most common causes of restlessness at night. Even worrying about mundane things can result in dark circles or bags under our eyes that leave us looking older. And, feeling tired makes us feel less capable in our daily lives. By removing potential distractions from your sleep area, such as electronic devices, you’re less likely to focus on them. This makes it easier to clear your mind and get into a restful mindset.
Practice a Few Relaxation Techniques
It never hurts to try a few relaxation techniques. Try meditating or take a hot shower before bedtime. Though counting sheep might seem silly, it’s a great way to focus on something monotonous, which can lull our brain into a meditative state. Counting backward and taking deep breaths work the same way. Clear your mind, relax your muscles, and eventually, you’ll be able to drift off to sleep.