Spring Cleaning

It’s Spring Cleaning Season! What room do experts say you should tackle first this spring? For most of us, spring cleaning is only a memory…a ritual of a bygone time. But germ experts at St. Louis University Medical Center suggest it’s still a good idea….and they’re sharing these tips to get you started.

Attack the bathroom first. It’s a popular spot for germs, bacteria and fungi to grow. Most of us tackle basic disinfecting regularly, but spring is the perfect time to go after tough scum and lime scale in the shower and bath. Be on the lookout for mold in and around the tub, too. If possible, keep a window open so you don’t breathe in any of the harsh chemicals you may use for the job. Follow the directions on all cleaning product for both effectiveness and safety. If you’re using bleach…use a 10-percent bleach solution… But remember to wash the surface with hot, soapy water after…because bleach isn’t safe for children and pets.

Once you’re finished with the heavy duty cleaning, hit your pantry for another popular dirt buster — vinegar! Spray a mixture of one part white distilled vinegar and nine parts water to see a nice shine on your bathtub or floor. Undiluted white distilled vinegar mixed with baking soda can also remove scum. And the best part…it’s cheap, and safe for the family and for the family pets. Before you know it, spring cleaning will be just another memory.

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