Sunscreen and Skin Aging

Does daily use of sunscreen really help prevent wrinkles, sunspots and loss of collagen? It may not officially be summer yet, but the heat is on … and a new study says it’s never too late for sunscreen. In fact, new science suggests wearing daily sunscreen has great benefits … even if you’re just starting to wear it in middle age!

Researchers in Australia measured photoaging in 9-hundred-3 study participants under the age of 55. Photoaging is the clinical description of skin changes caused by exposure to the sun… including wrinkles, sunspots, loss of collagen and more. The idea was to measure regular use of sunscreen compared to occasional use. The researchers also tested the anti-aging effects of beta carotene supplements.

Study participants were assigned to one of four groups:

  • daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreen and 30 mg of beta-carotene supplementation
  • daily use of sunscreen and placebo
  • occasional, discretionary use of sunscreen and 30 mg of beta-carotene supplementation and discretionary use of sunscreen and placebo.

After four years, participants in the daily sunscreen group showed 24 percent less skin aging than those in the discretionary group… no matter what their age. Daily beta-carotene made no difference in skin aging.

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