Three Ways to Stop Wasting Energy!
by Julie Zeff
Have you ever stopped to think about all of the things that you rely on every day that you plug in – your computer, phone, toaster, microwave, lights, camera, TV and DVD player? If they aren’t plugged in or recharged, then they just don’t have the energy to work.
Now think about all of the things that you are metaphorically plugged into. Think of all the energy you devote to caring for your family. Think of the various physical activities you engage in during the day. Think of the mental energy you spend on work-related issues. Step back even further, and think about your beliefs about yourself, the world, and the people in your life.
Are you plugged into the activities and thoughts that get you what you want, or are you wasting plugs and energy on things that lead to frustration and exhaustion? We all have a finite amount of plugs and energy. What are you plugging into?
Here are three ways to help you stop wasting your energy. Get plugged into what really matters.
1. Unplug
Taken to the extreme (which can be helpful for many of us) literally unplug your computer, phone, TV, lights and anything else electric that you use for 12-24 hours – this can be a fun adventure with kids in the house, too. Unplug metaphorically as much as you can from all the other things that get your energy and attention. Live simply – go camping, hang by the water or go hiking maybe. Just be. Use this time to explore what really is most important to you. See what you miss. Create some quiet, introspective down time for yourself. If 12-24 hours seems too long then try it for just an hour or two. Don’t forget to take some deep delicious breaths. Drink in this time and space and notice what it’s like for you in your mind and body.
2. Plug Back In
Most of us aren’t going to choose to stay unplugged forever. So, when it’s time to plug back in, do it consciously. Think about what you want to plug back into or what you really missed. Use a rating scale if that helps you to think about each item, activity, thought or belief in your life. How important/helpful is it to you to plug back into _______? 0= least important, 10= most important. Journal about it or talk about it with someone you trust. Plug back in to only the most important and energizing things first – the things you rated with a 9 or 10 and then see how many plugs and how much energy is left over/free. Experiment and let some plugs hang loose…
3. Choose
Even when things seem daunting and impossible, remember that you have a choice. In any and every moment you can choose where you are going to put your attention and focus. Are you going to put it on thoughts or activities that deplete you or are you going to put it into the places that energize and enliven you? At any time you can unplug cords that are frayed or no longer serve you and you can plug in new ones or untangle old ones.
What are you going to consciously unplug from and plug into this month? When you use your energy to plug into what is most important to you, you’ll stop wasting energy and may even have some extra left over to plug into YOU!
Julie Zeff is a Life Coach for busy and working moms; Author of Vivid Living for Busy Moms: Coach Yourself to an Extraordinary Life; and a trained Forest yoga instructor building strength and flexibility with emotional and spiritual intelligence. Request her FREE report – Top 10 Tips to Vivid Living or receive her FREE Monthly Coaching Tidbits and 5 Anytime, Anywhere Breathing Tips by visiting: Download a FREE peek of her book, Vivid Living For Busy Moms here: