Waste Not Want Not

Find creative ways to “squeeze” something out of “nothing” with these budget friendly dressings. Take the last of what’s in those jars and turn it into easy and affordable options for your family. Adding fresh ingredients can turn nearly empty mustard or peanut butter jars into tasty dressings and sauces.

First, a vinaigrette. Here are the ingredients…the last little bit of mustard, shallot, olive oil, fresh herbs and salt and pepper. You can see here combining it all in a nearly empty mustard jar, give a good shake’ — and you have a lovely and inexpensive dressing. You’ll love, love, love this next idea. We’re going to make a peanut sauce that’s so good over noodles or even chicken. Peanut butter, brown sugar, apple cider vinegar, a little chili flakes, soy sauce and if you think it’s needed a little salt.

You just mix it all up in the peanut butter container, give a big shake. Now that’s a workout! And give it a taste. You’re peanut sauce costs 54 cents. You can’t beat that! And the vinaigrette we made earlier costs just 39 cents!

Meet the Queen:
 Five years ago Sarah’s son had life threatening food allergies causing her family to spiral into a financial crisis. Today, she is an award-winning blogger, radio & television celebrity, speaker and author. Learn more: moneysavingqueen.com

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