Back In Shape After Pregnancy

Sara Holden is a mom of two and a Hollywood stuntwoman. After putting on 55 pounds with each pregnancy, she needed to lose her baby weight. Running and exercise like that did not feel good for her. Although Sara was not a swimmer, being in the pool made her feel weightless. She found herself swimming laps and it was a good workout for her.

Sara obviously had to take a leave of absence from her work when she got pregnant.  As a first time mom, it took a while to get back with her first child. With her second, getting back to work happened fast. When her daughter was 5 weeks old, she got the call for stunt work on the set of Fuller House. Sara shares her story and advice about bouncing back postpartum.

Follow Sara on Instagram: @saraholdenstunts

Watch Sara in action in this short film she created to display a pipe ramp stunt!:

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