Homemade Baby Wipes

Your little bundle of joy can cost a bundle, but don’t worry! Making homemade baby wipes is affordable and easy. Sarah Roe, our Money Saving Queen, shows us this easy DIY project that will save you money.

This is a time-tested favorite. As often as wipes are used the cost starts to add up, but this DIY alternative is affordable and easy. Here’s what you will need: paper towels, water, baby oil and baby wash and a storage container.

So here’s what you do. Cut the paper towel in half. An electric knife works really well. Pour half of the water, baby oil and baby wash mixture over it. Let it sit for 10 minutes, flip and add the rest. After they are soaked through, pull out the core and you are set.

Now let’s breakdown the savings… a box of 60 store bought wipes costs about $2.70. For me to make the same amount, I’m spending less than 35 cents. You sure can’t argue with that logic “and” those savings.

Meet the Queen: Five years ago Sarah’s son had life threatening food allergies causing her family to spiral into a financial crisis. Today, she is an award-winning blogger, radio & television celebrity, speaker and author. Learn more: moneysavingqueen.com

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