Kindergarden Readiness: What Does It Really Mean?

MomLifeTV is with Linda Ensko from Buckle My Shoe, a preschool in New York City. We’re talking about kindergarden readiness and what that really means.

It’s really about preparing your child for the next level. And that would be kindergarden. The imprint is the first 5 years. It’s from age 0-5 and according to psychologists, it’s the most important time in our lives. Serendipitous, we don’t remember most of it, but it’s the fastest period of brain development – 0-3 years.

Preschool time is a very, very important time for children to come together, to socialize, to share, to wait for turns, to learn how to listen to one other, to respect each other and to have empathy.

These team building skills…collaboration…these are all key points for a child to be able to enter kindergarden and to become an independent thinker. Just to become independent, period, is critical for a young child to know how to take care of themselves. To empower them so that they are independent.

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Buckle My Shoe is a Reggio Emilia inspired preschool in New York City, offering an invaluable educational, social, creative, and physical early childhood development program. It’s about celebrating the whole child. To learn more, visit:

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